Thursday, 11 December 2014

exploring creativity

I started this blog on the 29th December, 2009. I don't exactly want to say that I'm closing it down, but I do want to acknowledge that I haven't posted here since October, and haven't posted any personal reflections since the month before that.

I don't really want to write anymore about the mysteries of blocks and process. For now, at least, I don't  want to spend any more time analysing what's going going on, or speculating about what it is that gets in the way. I would really much rather just step over the sleeping policeman in the road and get on with making my art.

I hope the sharing of so much personal struggle has been helpful. That was the idea. Otherwise I could have just written it all in my diary. Perhaps at some unexpected turn in the road I'll want to come back in here and start writing again. It will be something different.

I'm at  and

Have fun. Do your thing, make your stuff. Creativity is the light!


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